Music Ace Maestro
Choice of Studio Piano Teachers |
Featuring 48 lessons and assessment-oriented games, Music Ace Maestro was designed by professional music educators for piano teachers. Includes student tracking and a syllabus creation and management suite. Click here for more information about Music Ace Maestro.

To make the Music Ace products
more useful with the most popular piano
methods, we have developed a set of Method
Correlations and lesson reference labels that can be placed into the method book. The correlations and labels are available
as printable pdf downloads.
The correlations provide a cross-reference between specific
method books and pages within those books
to specific Music Ace lessons and sections.
These correlations will help piano teachers and
students better use Music Ace lessons with
their piano lessons. Labels include the page number in the method book and a reference to a specific lesson and section within Music Ace, Music Ace2, Music Ace Deluxe, Music Ace Deluxe – PSE or Music Ace Maestro.
Correlations and labels are currently available for the following methods/books:
- Hal Leonard – Piano Student Library, Books 1-5 and All-In-One A and B.
- Faber - My First Piano Adventure, Level A-C; Piano Adventures, Primer-Level 5
- Alfred – Prep Course, Levels A-F
Thompson – Easiest Piano Course, Part 1-8
- Bastien/Kjos – Piano Basics, Primer-Level 4
View the Piano Method Correlations available for download and print or download labels by clicking here.
The Piano Method Correlations can also be searched using the On-line Correlation Search Tool. This tool makes it easy to use the Music Ace lessons in conjunction with popular piano method books. It allows piano teachers and students to locate Music Ace lessons that correlate to specific piano method books by method, book, and page. It also allows Music Ace lessons to be located by topic, such as "half notes" or "rests". Click here to access this tool.

Guide to Using Technology in the Piano Studio

In conjunction with noted piano educator Michelle Sisler, we have created a 16-page, “Guide to Using Technology in the Piano Studio.” The guide is available at no cost from Harmonic Vision.
This guide can help you integrate Music Ace Maestro into your piano teaching environment. The guide provides actionable information and advice, including how to set up a learning station, the business case for using computer-aided instruction (CAI), how to talk to parents about the benefits of CAI and how to use Music Ace Maestro to support your teaching syllabus.
Click here here to download a complimentary copy (pdf) of the "Guide to Using Technology in the Piano Studio."