Using Music Techology in the Classroom
A Primer on Evaluating and Using Music Technology
Noted music technology expert Dr. Kirk Kassner has just completed a 20-page educational guide for music teachers, "Using Music Technology in the Classroom." The guide discusses the music technology available and best practices in selecting and integrating music technology into the classroom. He also reviews current music technology offerings and analyzes how they can be used to support state and national music education standards. Additionally, the guide contains actionable information and recommendations that music educators at any grade level can use.
Harmonic Vision is making "Using Music Technology in the Classroom" available at NO COST via download. Click here to download your copy.
Music Ace Lesson Correlations to Popular Piano Methods
To make the Music Ace products
more useful with the most popular piano
methods, we have developed a set of Method
Correlations and lesson reference labels that can be placed into the method book. The correlations and labels are available
as printable pdf downloads.
The correlations provide a cross-reference between specific
method books and pages within those books
to specific Music Ace lessons and sections.
These correlations will help piano teachers and
students better use Music Ace lessons with
their piano lessons. Labels include the page number in the method book and a reference to a specific lesson and section within Music Ace, Music Ace2, Music Ace Deluxe, Music Ace Deluxe – PSE or Music Ace Maestro.
Correlations and labels are currently available for the following methods/books:
- Hal Leonard – Piano Student Library, Books 1-5 and All-In-One A and B.
- Faber - My First Piano Adventure, Level A-C; Piano Adventures, Primer-Level 5
- Alfred – Prep Course, Levels A-F
- Thompson – Easiest Piano Course, Part 1-8
- Bastien/Kjos – Piano Basics, Primer-Level 4
View the Piano Method Correlations available for download and print or download labels by clicking here.
High Scores
for Music Ace Games
Many educators have asked the question "What is the highest possible score for
each Music Ace game?" Since many of the games are not deterministic, it
is difficult to say precisely. However, as an aid to music educators, we have provided a table of reported high scores for all games. We invite users to submit their own
high scores to us, which will be tabulated on the high
scores table.
Composers and
Musical Compositions Search Tool
An on-line tool to find where composers and their musical compositions
appear in the Music Ace education software series.
About Educator editions
Learn more about educator editions of our software, which come with an Educator's Guide and track large numbers of students.
 Music Ace in the Classroom
Thousands of educators are using Music Ace as a supplemental teaching tool in their classrooms and studios.
Learn how several are integrating Music Ace into the curriculum.
Maestro Max's
Music Links
Explore a comprehensive list of online resources for music students, parents, educators and enthusiasts.