Music Ace Deluxe Awards
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reviewed by Gavin Farrell
Music Ace Deluxe
"Music Ace
is a nifty little software package, but
it isn't a replacement for actually
learning an instrument. For parents and
teachers looking for a fun and
inexpensive way for young musicians to
expand on and reinforce concepts they
learn in music lessons and classes, this
program is just the ticket."
"What sets
Music Ace apart from other programs is
its delivery. Simply put, it's much
hipper and funnier than most other music
learning programs. Our music students
had a blast with this program. The
lessons are nothing new - and they
shouldn't be - no need to reinvent the
wheel. The "Maestro" guides you through
the program with great aplomb. The
smiling, frowning, singing and dancing
noteheads are flat out hysterical. Kudos
to Harmonic Vision for coming up with a
fresh package for this material!"
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Music Ace
Seal of
Approval Winner Spring '04
"Updated with just the right amount of
revisions so as to not upset what was one of the finest software titles
we've ever seen in the field of musical education and appreciation, Music
Ace Deluxe is back as a strong Seal of Approval winner in 2004."
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Best Children's Software
of 2004
Music Category
Music Ace
educational content of the program is well-structured and sound. Children
move through lessons at a gradual pace as they learn and develop note
reading skills, ear training, and musical terminology. Kids learn about
scales, rhythm, melody, harmony, key signatures, time signatures, and more.
Music Ace Deluxe is a satisfying and helpful learning tool that will enrich
any child's understanding of, and appreciation for, music. Exceptional!"
the award
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Music Ace
"(Music Ace Deluxe) is a good
alternative to expensive music lessons. With this product you will be able
to explore every aspect of music. The lessons and games are exciting and
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Editor's Choice Software
Music Ace Deluxe
"Music Ace Deluxe is a superb
software package for individuals and teachers alike. Whether you are an
individual who wishes to learn more about music or a teacher looking for a
supplemental learning tool for music instruction, Music Ace Deluxe is the
best choice you can make. This incredible software package definitely
deserves our coveted Computer Times Editor's Choice award. Hat's off
to all involved in it design and production."
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Home Moms
Harmonic Vision's Music Ace Deluxe
We are really excited about this new software program!
Harmonic Vision's Music Ace Deluxe is an extraordinary
home based software program that teaches kids the basics
of music at home. We like this program because it is
self paced, fun, engaging, and educational. Maestro Max,
a lively, animated guide, takes the student through a
series of music lessons. There isn't a dull moment and
your child will feel challenged and rewarded for
completing each lesson. We highly recommend Music Ace
Deluxe! We also like the amazing value....under $50!
-- At Home Moms
March 2004
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Music Ace Deluxe
Winner, Parent to Parent Adding Wisdom Award
"Everyone loves this amazing CD. It's fun and
inspires beginners (parents too) to delve deeper into
the wonderful world of musical concepts. Music Ace
Deluxe is a celebration of sorts...cutting out the
frustration so many kids run up against while allowing
them to feel like winners! I was pleasantly
surprised with the self-paced lessons resulting
in positive results for the kids. The creative Doodle
Pad for composing and hearing one's own
music is extraordinary. It's a must have for every
household, especially if you desire a quick and easy
learning tool for music...it's priceless!"
Jodie Lynn, syndicated parenting/health expert.
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Music Ace Deluxe
What's GREAT about the Music Ace Series! |